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Why runners need RLT

Red light therapy is more than a beauty or mood booster treatment; it can also help speed up muscle recovery and improve athletic performance.  Did you know that red light therapy (RLT) helps relieve pain in athletes and return them to running as soon as possible? It has also been shown to improve muscle recovery after strenuous exercise, help with pain relief, and even speed up healing after injury.

This is because our bodies rely on light as a source of energy to help our glands regulate adrenaline, testosterone, metabolism and many other functions. RLT has also been shown to increase testosterone production, which in turn can boost overall energy levels and even improve peak muscle performance. Red and near infrared light promotes muscle recovery by increasing blood circulation and oxygenation, as well as cell regeneration, which has long been proven to help with muscle soreness, fatigue and stiffness after exercise, and other problems. Through its effect on ATP production and cell healing mechanisms, red/near infrared light helps people recover faster from strenuous exercise and endurance exercise, and helps prevent muscle fatigue during exercise.  By stimulating antioxidant responses within cells to reduce oxidative stress and limit muscle damage in post-run recovery mode, RLT also improves circulation to provide better blood flow throughout the body in preparation for the next run.   


Helpfully, this light therapy not only promotes muscle recovery after exercise and can also improve sleep, an essential part of the recovery process. Sleep improvement is one of the main reasons red light therapy helps with inflammation and healing, as optimal blood flow supports the body's natural repair process.


These effects are supported by scientific studies. The results showed that continuous exposure to red light and near-infrared radiation doubled the rate of recovery from injury; thus, athletes can return to their normal lifestyle much faster. A meta-analysis of red light therapy for athletic performance concluded that pre-exercise is the optimal time to administer treatment to improve performance, prevent exercise-induced muscle tissue damage, and improve post-exercise strength and functional recovery.


So, with RLT your strength, speed, and endurance may improve almost immediately, while long-term treatment of sports injuries may take up to several weeks. If this all sounds too exhausting, the good news is all this can be achieved simply by lying on one of our Mon Amie Collariums for 20 minutes a few times a week. As an added bonus our Mon Amie’s help reduce fine lines and wrinkles! For the skeptics, we also offer a money-back guarantee, so if you haven’t tried RLT yet, why not book in early next week and find out for yourself?